Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I'm obsess with mermaids!
(I painted the pic above in cavas-looks retarded)
After watching MERMAIDS : BODY FOUND
by the animal plant..
i seriously got into the whole thing..i've even waited for the advertisments!
yup..i've waited!! I didn't want to miss any part..
it was a 2 hour documentary about the 3 marine biologists (actors) who went deep into their investigation to find living proof of a creature which made
the bloop sound which can be found in

Its interesting and the investigation scene was very realistic.
I've always loved the ocean..and there's something to it..

There's just hidden..unwanted to be found or discovered..
I wish to meet them one day..hopefully..they don't try to kill me. :)

I do hope you non-mermaids believers out there check this documantry out
Because you'll never know..
what u might think of them again..

Here are the synopsis:
In the early 1990′s, the United States Navy began a series of covert sonar tests that were linked to mass die-offs of whales washing up on beaches around the world. These beachings were well-publicized, but startling amateur video and photographic evidence – much of it never released until now – suggests that whales were not the only creatures affected by the Navy’s sonar. In 1997, scientists monitoring underwater microphones recorded a mysterious sound deep in the Pacific Ocean, a sound from an unidentified creature unlike any other animal recorded. What made that sound, dubbed “The Bloop,” has remained one of the greatest mysteries of the oceans, until now…

Oh and here are some interesting random pictures : )..

This is What you do when you ain't have a driving plate number-u paint them :)

Mc.D sunday shit

And yes..U do look like tat when u are forced to listen to a song u don't like

Observe his back..where else do u put a dangerous thing like that?

That's all folks..But Wait!!

Shyre May thinks that if u made her cry the whole night yesterday..she'll end up looking like ...


P/s: Don't make shyre may cry...or she'll look like a korean!! DAYUM!

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