Saturday, April 2, 2011


Its been crazzy! stress to get my results i'm even more stressed out about..wait for it..


what's next? what's my purpose?
now i truely understand..the "road not taken"
which path should i take..?

So, the cute little mermaid sat down in a conner..

Little Mermaid Musical
(oh yes..that's me)

What if she just let it be? Let faith decide..Let life take control?
She went to her friend's house and saw little (more little than herself) merkids..
dancing and playing..
and she started thinking again...
kids don't have any worries..all they need to do is
to excel in their studies
they wouldn't need to stress out on making huge decisions..their parents make it for them
They wouldn't need to worry about having food on the table
or other shits..

so, the little mermaid , knowing that she was still young..went to kill those kids out of jealousy and anger..and end up doing this :


and it did help go back to your past and just forget about the future for once.
Never lose your inner kid

Thats reminds me..
I saw a few kids the other day, they were screaming and laughter..
i went out to see what's the problem..
But it wasn't a problem..they were just having fun..
they threw a piece of paper up..and stated shouting when gravity pulled it down..
they picked it up and did't stop doing it .
I saw happiness in their faces..and wondered if an adult would be satisfied n happy with just a piece of paper?

I went up to one of them with the paper and said


smiled and walked away..:)

PS: Shyre may thinks if you ever told her, you'r getting maried..She would look like this:

(check out my new awesome phone)

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